How to recognize and treat prostatitis

All men are affected. Therefore, after identifying the first symptoms, it is important to consult a doctor for information on how to treat prostatitis.

Inflammation of the prostate gland does not only occur in people who are at risk. All men are affected. Therefore, after identifying the first symptoms, it is important to consult a doctor for information on how to treat prostatitis. A specialized center will help with correct diagnosis and competent treatment!

What is prostatitis?

Prostatitis is a common pathology of the genitourinary system in the stronger sex. Every fourth man consults a doctor with typical symptoms.

There are several categories of prostatitis:

  • acute bacterial - the causative agent is mainly Escherichia coli, rarely enterococci;
  • bacterial chronic - continues with remissions and relapses, in addition to E. coli, viruses, trichomonas, chlamydia, fungi, mycoplasmas can provoke the inflammatory process;
  • chronic pelvic pain syndrome - infections with this pathology are not identified, the disease occurs with and without inflammation, among provocateurs: low physical activity, rare sexual life, overheating / hypothermia;
  • asymptomatic - continues without characteristic symptoms, is diagnosed accidentally (in most cases during a doctor's examination).

Only a urologist can determine the type of disease. After a comprehensive diagnosis, a treatment regimen is prepared under the supervision of the attending physician.

Can prostatitis be treated? The answer is positive for cases in the initial stage of pathological development. It is important to prevent the disease from becoming chronic. It is better to take preventive measures that prevent the inflammatory process of the prostate gland in time.

Symptoms of prostatitis

How do you know if you have prostatitis? It is necessary to pay attention to the smallest changes in the work of the genitourinary system. Common symptoms of pathology include:

  • frequent urge to urinate, urination becomes difficult;
  • a significant decrease in the daily amount of urine;
  • pain during defecation, radiation in the groin;
  • discharge from the urethra is observed after a bowel movement;
  • burning in the perineum and urethra;
  • spontaneous nocturnal erections;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • weakening of erection;
  • premature ejaculation during intercourse;
  • numb feelings during orgasm.

The disease is accompanied by pain of a different nature. Where does it hurt with prostatitis:

  • in the scrotum;
  • in the perineum;
  • at the base of the penis.

Reference! The acute form of the pathology is often accompanied by headaches.

With prostatitis, urination is intermittent and may be accompanied by painful sensations. The bladder does not empty completely. The flow is slow. Characteristic symptomatology is often accompanied by reduced work capacity, loss of appetite and rapid fatigue.

Reference! Blood with prostatitis contains specific prostatic antigen. It is detected during the diagnostic study of biological material.

Symptoms of acute form differ from chronic disease. In the second case, there is a change of phases of remission with relapse.

symptoms of prostatitis in men

Causes of the development of prostatitis

Doctors call the stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs the main reason for the development of pathology. Often this is due to a sedentary lifestyle, excess weight, sedentary work and unbalanced nutrition.

Other causative factors include:

  • hereditary tendency;
  • hypothermia;
  • prolonged urinary retention;
  • dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • poor blood circulation in the veins;
  • irregular sex life;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • infections;
  • chronic foci present in the body;
  • frequent damage to the perineum and adjacent area;
  • lack of proper treatment for sexually transmitted diseases.

Reference! Alcohol abuse and frequent stress can also cause inflammation of the prostate gland, especially against the background of reduced immunity.

What causes the development of chronic pelvic pain syndrome (a type of prostatitis) is still unknown. It is believed that the disease develops against the background of damage to the body by viruses of the herpetic group, mycoplasmas, chlamydia. Some scientists argue that the cause should be sought in autoimmune processes, constant hypothermia and low physical activity.

Methods of treatment of prostatitis

Modern medicine, which has accumulated experience in the study of pathology, has comprehensive information on how to treat prostatitis in men.

Therapy regimen is prepared on the basis of diagnostic data. First of all, the focus of inflammation in the prostate gland is eliminated. In addition, with the help of drugs, sexual disorders and other disorders are corrected.

The keys to successful treatment are:

  • early diagnosis;
  • a well-designed comprehensive therapy program;
  • compliance with doctor's recommendations.

Reference! Depending on where the prostatitis hurts in men, with the help of differential diagnosis, serious diseases such as adenoma of the prostate gland, inguinal hernia, secondary cystitis, stones of the lower ureter are excluded.

Taking into account the pathological form, the patient is prescribed treatment using the following methods.

  • Drug therapy - provides the reception of immunomodulators, vitamins and minerals, antibiotics.
  • Physiotherapy - mainly prescribed together with drugs. The methods are characterized by high efficiency: magnetic laser massage, shock wave therapy, ultrasound treatment.
  • Surgical intervention - if there is no positive dynamics after a course of medication, surgery is decided.

When identifying the first signs of pathology, you should not delay going to the doctor and rather treat yourself. This leads to an exacerbation of the problem with serious consequences that require a radical solution. It is better to make an appointment with a urologist immediately.

Doctors' opinion about the disease is that if the treatment of prostatitis in men starts immediately after the first symptoms are detected, it is possible to cure prostatitis. Therapy of the chronic form requires an integrated approach. At the same time, relapses are not excluded even after a long remission.